We welcome anyone without a home. And then we help them find one.

We do so much more than provide free access to safe shelter and a warm meal. Our "housing first" approach helps break the cycle of homelessness through housing assistance, support services, and employment opportunities.

This 360-degree approach is designed to break the cycle of homelessness.

Presbyterian Night Shelter services
Presbyterian Night Shelter

Our emergency shelter is open 24/7 to anyone in need. Guests have access to an overnight bed or being enrolled into our residential program, case management and housing assistance.

True Worth

True Worth Place is open daily from 7:00am-3:00pm and is a comprehensive resource center and day shelter providing access to a variety of services including case management, housing assistance, classes and more.


UpSpire, our social enterprise, provides employment opportunities for those struggling with barriers to work including homelessness, criminal histories, and other barriers to employment.

Upcoming Events

Day of Service

Day of Service

Volunteer for our Day of Service on Saturday, October 25 as we tackle work projects across campus.

Get the Details

Home for the Holidays Gala

31st Annual Home for the Holidays Gala

Join us Friday, Dec. 5, 2025, at the Fort Worth Club for this annual event that is the unofficial kick-off to the holidays!

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Monthly Newsletters

Man using a table saw

Winter 2025

Everything you need to get back on your feet is here.


Woman in front of door

December 2024

We’re breaking the cycle of chronic homelessness in Tarrant County.


Family photo

Winter 2024

“We were basically having to choose between eating or getting the hotel room.”


Stay Connected

One of the easiest ways to support Presbyterian Night Shelter is just a click away! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on what is happening at Presbyterian Night Shelter, and share the incredible stories and life-changing work with your friends and family.